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Shared Slack Channel

Join the #dispatch Slack Connect Channel, connect your company’s Slack workspace.

Download for MacOS


Enable Dispatch notifications


Disable Slack desktop notifications

For all your "inbound" in Slack, you'll want to use Dispatch. So notifications from Slack will lure you out of it.

  1. go to preferences > notifications
  2. "notify me about..." > check "Nothing"
  3. then check "Use different settings for my mobile devices"


Focus & Selection

Enter [⏎]

Brings focus to the right →

Escape [Esc]

Brings focus back to the left ←

Inbox Groups

[T] or [→] and [←]

Expand / collapse a single item group

[Shift + T]

Expand / collapse all item groups


[J] and [K]

Move selection up/down the Inbox Panel (left-side)

[N] and [P]

Move selection up/down a Slack channel (right side)

Switch Inboxes [Tab]

Move between the pinned inboxes with [Tab] and [Shift + Tab]

Expand & collapse side panels